This book is a practical guide to help United Methodists put the “go” back in our mission statement through cultivating Fresh Expressions of church.
Sharing Jesus is a guide from Fresh Expressions UK that leads you through the process of introducing people to Christ in a group setting. It is simple, practical, and rich with helpful content.
Tyler Kleeberger and Michael Beck explore Fresh Expressions in rural contexts, highlight stories from unique contexts, and provide readers with exercises and discussions questions to begin engaging their communities in new ways.
Author, Luke Edwards, provides a practical guide to Fresh Expressions. This book is perfect for those who understand the heart of the movement and are ready to begin the journey in their community.
In this work, Michael Beck alongside Jorge Acevedo return to origins of Wesleyan history to discover that Fresh Expressions is the most “Methodist” thing in the UMC today.
Path 1 at Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church has launched Fresh Expressions United Methodist (FXUM) to curate a distinctly Welseyan approach to Fresh Expressions for the global pan-Methodist family.
This book authored by Michael Beck and Michael Moynagh is a guide to embodying your faith in your everyday life.
Ken Carter and Audrey Warren ask the question: What if our church properties didn’t have to be a source of pain but one of purpose?